Monday, May 13, 2013

A Guide to Post (Incisional) Hernia Operation dos and don'ts... or what the doc won't tell you!

So I'm now 6 weeks post hernia op and according to the consultant and his team AND my GP, it is about now that I can begin to do stuff again.

Looking on the Internet to see what others have done, I'm struggling to find anything...certainly nothing positive and nothing really about any form of exercise regime so, as usual, it's me going down the trail and hopefully no errors route.

I have got to get this right: If I pull or dislodge the mesh, I'm screwed and back to theatre which I really would like to avoid. So what do I do? No one's said what I can and cannot really do... That's not strictly true... I had a telephone follow-up appt 3 weeks after surgery. When pushed I got this...

Q. When can I swim?
A. Ooo not yet.... 6 weeks after surgery.
Q. How about 1 May? (this was 5 weeks after surgery)
A. Yes, nothing too strenuous though
Q. How about cycling?
A. 6 weeks after surgery and take it slow
Q. Work?
A. [Doc] Does your work involve lifting anything over 15 kilos?
A. [me] Yes.
A. [Doc] No. No lifting. Office work is fine but no lifting. Break your loads to smaller quantities or put the item on wheels.
Q. When can I do my job properly again?
A. You can begin as I have said but go easy and be aware of lifting... Build it slowly over the next few months. The slower you take it, the sooner you'll get back to normal.

Okay, there are a few clues in there but not really much to go on and nothing to inspire confidence in a chap who had one hell of a time in hospital a few years ago. TBH, I was scared to do anything! The only marker one has is the magic '6 weeks'... It's as if something amazing will occur at this point. Let me tell you, it doesn't.

1 May, let's get swimming... 10 lengths... No rush... Take it steady... See how it goes. Hmmm feels a bit like its not right... Ok stop, rest. Try in a few mins. Yep, that's ok, carry on. So the idea is, listen to your body. If it feels wrong, stop, rest, relax, try again and so on. So far so good.

So this will be the routine for now... Swim every other day... 10 lengths for the whole of May. Currently finishing week one and next we'll add the bike in and that will be at magic week 6. Cycling regime will be couple of times a week, flat course, no hills and no further than 30 miles BUT actually beginning at 16-20 miles. In June, depending how I feel, I'll introduce a spin class and a longer route with a climb... Probably my North Carlton route which I think is just over 30 miles.

Sunday arrives and time to ride. I have my 2 domestiques with me, Jon and Andy. Their job is to take the piss and to stop me getting stupid and over cocky. First ride out and what do we do... 26 miles... First half with me being cocky and riding on the front. Second half, licking my wounds, realising I'm not quite indestructible again yet and getting shelter off the boys. Heart rate is running at an average of 172 rising to 192 when I decided to hoof it on a straight flat I usually enjoy... Jesus, my fitness has gone to sh@t in the last 6 weeks. Normally my HR would be 140 rising to 170 on the same route... Looks like I have my work cut out :(

When I get home, I'm sore. And because I'm sore, I'm now worried. Worried I've 'popped' something or I've pulled my gauze, done too much too soon etc. This is now constantly on my mind. Fek!

What do I do? I know, another ride the following day! Ok, ok, shorter route this time... Owmby loop. That's 17 ish miles and flat as a fart. Yep, that was ok. Day after, rest day and type this blog up AND ring the hospital or GP.... Just for some reassurance.

I decide to ring the hospital where I had the surgery. They had told me I could ring anytime. Luckily I got straight through to Maria, one of Mr Ubhi's team and the lady who I have spoken too a few times. "Hi, this is Phil, the hernia patient from Lincoln who had that awful op a few years ago... Oh, you remember me" [is that a good thing that she remembers me?]
Anyway, I tell her what's going on. She says it would be likely I'd be in alot of pain if I had pulled the gauze, that I'm doing well (how does she know?!!!...She hasn't seen me since I was operated on!!!) and if I am still worried, to see my GP. She cannot see me as I'd need referring again. Bizarre, just because I'm passed the magic week 6, I must be better and thus signed off?!

Following this, I popped along to the GP and at long last I'm beginning to feel reassured. Firstly, I'm signed off for a further 2 weeks and after a long chat and some prodding of my scar area, I feel better in my mind. "Remember, you are 6 weeks post op so you wont have any stitches now... they will have dissolved and your body will be repairing around the mesh. After 6 weeks we'd normally recommend light office work but as your job involves more carrying, 8 weeks off is very normal. You are doing all the right things. Slow build up in work and exercise. Don't expect to be lifting anything big to begin with. Break loads down to smaller quantities and be gradual with your exercise. You haven't pulled or ripped anything. You are doing okay!"

So there you have it. There's no set in stone regime but for the more active person, that tale should give you some clues. The other thing to try and avoid during the 6 weeks of doing sweet Fanny Adams is not to eat too much! At my age, it's harder to shift!!