2011 Summer Tour

Here we have the list of events I'm doing this year. All raising money for Lincoln Intensive Care Unit:

*The Asics London 10k -I traditionally run this on behalf of The Scoliosis Campaign Fund as my daughter Scarlett has this condition. She's had two operations at the QMC over the years. They are fantastic and it's my way of giving something back.
So, I have pledged that whatever the total is raised for Lincoln ICU, I will give 10% of the total figure to SCF from my own pocket. The more you donate, the more I have to give!

How to donate and sponsor

It's easy. Good I hear you cry! All you have to do is click the link below and give me your money. For every donation of £15 you will be entered into a prize draw. Sponsor me for £30 and you'll get 3 entries into the draw. How good is that! Prizes will be announced soon. The draw will take place at Lincoln Drill Hall's Bangers and Mash Ball on August 28th. A great night out, so get yourself a ticket to that as well (all winners not at the Ball will be notified by phone or email)

Watch these pages- I'll be bringing pictures, film and more information as it happens.

Also keep updated with the Facebook page