Sunday, May 29, 2011

Raising money for Lincoln ICU

Facebook is the choice of everyone for social media. Twitter's not bad but you can do so much more with Facebook. So creating a page to do this charity thing seemed the logical step.

I have ended up making two pages- one is called a 'page' and it seems you suggest to people that they should 'like' it so they get the updates. The other is a 'group' and I don't really get what the difference is. Anyone know the answer, please post! lol. I think you just add people and it's then up to them if they stay part of the group or not.

So the grand plan for this summer is a mixed bag of cycling and running. The list is prepared (see Summer Tour page) I'm signed up and raring to go. I just need to set up the on-line donations page... you know, Just Giving, Virgin Money Giving etc.. done it before, no problem!


Lincolnshire NHS/ ICU has no on-line charity page! If it's not a big cheque that can be photographed and put in the Echo, we have no other way of accepting donations. How retro! How 1970's! How useless.


I emailed them. A nice chap called Adrian replied informing me that "we are getting more and more people asking about donating on-line" and he was "trying to bring us into the 21st Century for quite a while now"
OK, got him on-side but next email  I got -"I have got to put together a paper to go to the committee so it can be approved" Unreal!!
Anyway, it's now 6 weeks since I first emailed Adrian and on Friday just gone (27 May) he emails-
"Good news, the Chairman and Director of Finance have given the approval for the Virgin Money Giving online donation service. I will get all the paperwork off today and keep you informed of progress."


Hopefully this week will bring me the on-line charity page. 

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