Friday, April 19, 2013


This has to be seen to be believed. Because I am currently on 'sick leave' and I use those words in their loosest possible sense, our lovely government have sent me lots of forms to fill out to claim what is actually a pittance of a benefit to get me through the next 6 weeks (I'm at week 3 now having filled out one massive form already, so if I actually get awarded anything, it'll be back pay...assuming that's allowed!!) As a tax payer and a citizen who pays his stamp, I'm not allowed SSP because I'm self employed. I tell you, being self employed is not rewarded in any respect in this country. I might as well have a bell and yell "unclean" because that is how I am made to feel... like a fekking leper!

A new form dropped through to door today to add to the leper feeling and, my god, this one's a doozy!

Limited capability for work questionnaire. WOW! Are you actually serious? Feel free to click the link... you can see the form for yourself! The questions are SO PATRONISING. Ok, someone somewhere needs this form but I would imagine it is a very low percentage of people with not much education. Yes, it's that patronising. PLUS, remember, I'v e already filled out a massive tome of paperwork AND submitted 2 medical sick notes to cover my 6 week period of recovery.

Below are some pictures from the form. I had to share this. I am incensed.

Now, okay, I'll be honest, I did pause for at least 5 seconds at answering the question below. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FFS
BUT knowing this bunch of yoghurt weaving jackety twats, I'd get away with putting PTSD.

Not everyone who makes such a claim are Jeremy Kyle contestants. Some of us are genuine. Some of us are honest. And some of us are the fucking people who fund the benefit system. It's always people like me made to feel like a leper for DARING to ask for a benefit. WELL BOLLOCKS I am gonna ask! you take enough of me and my family so cough up.

Rant over. I've been Nearly Phil Crow, goodnight :P

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